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Support our grassroots mission
to save lives in Ukraine

We are focusing on sending first aid kits for the medics in the hot spots in Ukraine. These kits help them to save the patient life by stopping the bleeding in the fastest way possible. The cost of one kit is $120. You are free to donate the amount you can. $5 is the cost of blood stopping bandage.​

How we work:

There are just the two of us: Nathalie (Natasha) and I - David Halbout. We absorb the overhead cost, collect no salary, and don’t spend anything on advertising. Every penny goes towards trauma supplies. We dedicate a monumental amount of time to raise awareness and promote Ukrainian culture. To learn more about us, check out the Press section.

We collect funds by:

  1. Selling Nathalie’s original textile and I donate part of my salary.

  2. By asking for donations from friends and family and Gofundme. 

  3. By organizing Fundraisers/cultural events and creating educational lectures about the history of Ukraine.

We buy all the trauma first aid supplies ourselves and ship them to Lviv, Ukraine, then our network of volunteers distribute the supplies to the field hospitals and first responders.

If you feel more comfortable buying supplies yourself and giving it to us, please give us a call or email us and we will share with you the reputable sources.

Here are the different ways to contribute:​

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The first aid kit IFAK we are sending

First responders helping a wounded in Kharkiv.

the origin of the war.

We gave a talk at the Red Bank Regional High School November 7, 2023 and at the Rumson Fair Haven High School November 16, 2023 to the Seniors about the origin of the war of Ukraine and its fight for Freedom and Democracy. Here is the recording of this talk with Maiia's testimony escaping Ukraine under fire at the beginning of the invasion.

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